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Need a wall
Tuesday 18 December 2018 • 06:24 • 0 comments

Assalamualaikum. Hi. It's been a long time that I did not post or update this blog. Before this entry ada entry pasal make up that entry was made when I was 16 and yet now I'm 18. Times fly so fast, right ? Aku dah masuk U doh  hahaha. Ups and down punya kehidupan (cakap macam dah lama sangat hidup je huhu)

Supposedly, aku nak cerita pasal my spm story but aku malas seperti mana yang korang tahu. Ala cakap macam ada orang baca je haha. So that will my next entry. For now we just focus that I'm back. Kalau perasan la dalam blog aku je ada jugak pasal entry pasal I'm back tu semua sebab aku ni bukan la jenis yang suka update blog neither suka menulis. Aku bukan la seorang puitis bukan apa aku baca jugak blog kawan aku yang lain and dia orang semua kalau penulisan entry blog  tu macam exam bm kot. Tip top punya. Lengkap la ada gaya bahasa, metafora, hiperbola tu semua. Sampai aku je huh macam rojak punya bahasa campur sikit rempitss maka lahirlah penulisan dari saya hahaha

Selalunya kan orang buat tajuk entry mesti berkait dengan apa yang dia nak cakap tapi aku melalut ke sana ke sini hm. Sebenarnya aku tahu yang blog aku ni tak ada orang baca pun and I want it to be like this forever. You know what ? Nowadays there is no privacy even your whatsapp got a status. Instagram have a story. Twitter have a live. Selapuk-lapuk facebook tu pun dah upgrade ada jugak story ala ala instagram gittew. Sekarang semua benda nak post. Semua orang nak post. Sometimes orang post benda yang sama. I got sick with that actually.

Aku tak tahu la sejak kebelakangan ni, aku selalu fikir dua kali kalau nak post something. I don't know. I just don't like to exposed my life to people out there. Sebab yela aku kan dah masuk U haha so maybe cara pemakaian aku pun dah lain. Cara percakapan. I'm not the one I'm used to. Yes. I've changed. Tapi aku tak pernah lupa siapa dekat sekeliling aku that's why I had a doubt to post anything on my social media. I want to be back where we don't have to exposed our lifestyle. Our friends. Our family. I know it's a choice to post it or not but seems nowadays people will asking you why you're not posting anything on social media like "hey is that all your pictures on ig?" "Macam tak active je kat ig"
well said, true af, and stay low key image
Assalamualaikum and bye.